What Does Love Mean to a Pessimist?

Fayyadh Jaafar
12 min readAug 26, 2021


Modern love has existed since the dawn of time. Plato most likely mentioned it initially in his dialogue Phaedo (or perhaps he just made up the term). In any event, it is a connection between two people in which one person loves the other just for the sake of their personal satisfaction. This type of love can exist only when both parties involved have mutual respect and trust. It’s simple to see why this kind of love is so appealing. It’s also clear to see why we have a difficult time grasping its actual significance.

The issue with modern love is that it is often too intense for most people. We expect more from our relationships than these simple guidelines allow. We want our partners to care about us as people, not just as objects or commodities. We want people to believe that we care about them. Above all, we want them to love us unconditionally.

But what exactly is unconditional love? How can you tell whether someone actually means it when they claim they love you? There are numerous explanations of the term, but here is my personal interpretation: Unconditional love is an emotion that comes from within each individual’s heart and thoughts for another human being.

Philosophical pessimism is the belief that life ultimately lacks objective significance, value, or purpose. A follower of this school of thinking sees the world through a gloomy and bleak perspective. Despite my intellectual pessimism, I believe that love may exist in a world devoid of significance.

“The greatest pain a man can experience is to know the end of everything and not be able to do anything about it,” Soren Kierkegaard famously stated. To me, the possibility of a meaningless world is profoundly frightening. I’m not even talking about nihilism; nihilists, at the very least, believe in experiencing life to the fullest before the inevitable happens. A pointless world implies that life should not exist at all. It means that the struggle for survival is pointless.

So, what is the point? Why bother getting out of bed if the world is going to end anyway? Why bother falling in love if it’s only going to end up tearing you apart? I’m not sure. All I know is that I’m still feeling. I continue to fall in love, and it hurts when that love is not reciprocated. I still want to have children, and it makes me nervous to think that they will die as well.

Life would be incredibly depressing and meaningless without love.

Some may argue that it is simply a biological mechanism designed to prevent the extinction of the human species. In some ways, that is objectively correct. We also breathe to keep us alive, but it’s much more meaningful than that. When we see someone we care about, we experience a wide range of emotions. When we’re with that individual, we laugh and smile. Their presence provides a unique type of joy into our lives that no one else can match. Being with that individual makes me feel completely at ease.

Life without love is akin to reading a book with a lousy narrative and even worse writing; it’s simply not worth the effort. Even if the world consisted solely of misery, I would not want to live in a world devoid of love. It not only gives life meaning, but it also adds colour and delight to it. It is possibly the only thing that allows mankind to persevere in the face of misfortune and pain.

In this article, I shall argue for the importance of love in one’s life.

Love is an abstract idea that cannot be defined or tied down.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines love as:

a) an intense affection for someone: fondness

b) strong affection based on admiration or common interest

c) strong personal regard

Who knows what love is? It’s a very difficult question, and there doesn’t appear to be any single answer that works. Love comes in all sorts of forms. One can have many different kinds of love, such as a love for people, a love for animals, a love for possessions, and even a love for concepts. Love is a pervasive and yet intimate force in our lives. Everyone reading this has seen multiple examples of love, and I’ve been able to as well.

The world is full with secrets, and we humans will never stop trying to solve the hardest problems. “What is love?” is one of the most often asked questions of all time.

Everyone knows what love is. Our upbringing starts in the way we interact with our parents and how they behave around us. In our youth, we are drawn to a romantic ideal, which is usually portrayed in films and music. It’s common for people in their teens and early twenties to have their hearts broken, often several times over. In the life of an adult, every decision has something to do with love, whether it be friendship, family, or romance. Still, the big question is, what is love? There are plenty of people with experience using it, and even they aren’t sure.

When it comes to love, many of us are willing to put up with all kinds of pain in order to experience the pleasure it brings. We would put up with being betrayed by relatives, and ignore significant character faults in our spouse because of our love for them. Why do we accept so much agony when it comes to love?

Will measuring success in our lives be done on how many good deeds we did, or how many things we have? Success? Career success? How about our loved ones and all of our connections? Aren’t these priorities in everything?

I now know that love is the most essential thing in life because of the time I have spent considering this topic. Love is ultimately a very personal experience, and there are a lot of ways to approach it. There isn’t one best or only way to experience it. We all feel and demonstrate love in different ways, and we have varying perspectives about what it means to us.

We all seek for ties with others. Loving and being loved are two of the most powerful human forces. This is why we make an effort to develop relationships and bond on a personal level.

Other animals, such as monkeys, also show this behaviour. Every animal on Earth wants to find a spouse and breed. In order to maintain their species alive, plants sow their seeds. It’s human nature to love and be loved, and that’s why we are all connected.

Although I am the type of person that views the world as dark and dangerous, I am moved by love, even as a pessimist. In my eyes, love makes up for any negativity in the world. It makes me feel positive even when horrible things happen. We’re inspired by love’s vision, which is the goal we all strive towards. Our realities may never live up to our ideals, yet love stays as an integral part of our lives. The key to being better is understanding what drives us to be better and learning to forgive ourselves when we fall short.

Ultimately, nothing counts in this world except love. Life would be empty without it. A horrific world would exist without love.

The general theme of “love” has obsessed philosophers, physicists, writers, musicians, and other creative people. There are countless poems, books, songs, and pieces of art that all talk about how special this thing that looks basic is. I’m genuinely surprised by how many fresh ideas can be born from a single source.

If I had to sum up the meaning of love in one word, it would be forgiveness. I believe that forgiveness is the best choice to illustrate the need for ongoing love. Simply telling someone you love them isn’t enough to ensure a positive relationship going forward. Love is a hard-won process that needs dedication and hard work.

Love is a highly personal feeling. Love can result in a marriage between two individuals, but the factors that contribute to it are diverse. It could be that one loves you and that the other wants to avoid being lonely.

When we’re young, many of us are first attracted to somebody because of the wrong reasons. It takes grief for us to grasp what love really means. Learning what is truly important often requires a second breakup. We might begin by forgiving ourselves and then forgiving the other person.

Acceptance is necessary here. After you’ve been damaged in a relationship, it is challenging to get involved again. It can be difficult to embrace someone’s love and affection, especially if they are an imposing person. Everyone is human, and we should all be treated with respect and tolerance. Love is about putting aside our fears and expectations, even if it means accepting someone completely, flaws and all.

Forgiveness is a huge part of love. There will be mistakes we make along the way. In this rough and ruthless world, it is inevitable that we will do something to upset our loved ones at some point. It’s vital to realise our own mistakes and not shift the responsibility to others. It’s more beneficial for us to own up to our shortcomings than to point fingers at one another.

Everyone’s bound to slip up once in a while. It is what we learn from our mistakes that truly defines us.

I am a pessimist, and I feel that to be in love, both people must make an effort and be dedicated to it. You might be right about being pessimistic and thinking things won’t work out. The thing to remember is to not set your expectations too high. Otherwise, you may become frustrated in the end.

But I disagree with such approach. Losing all hope is to give up. It may sound like a bit of a paradox, but in the end, hope is what makes us keep on going. We wouldn’t venture into fresh territory or experience anything new without it. There’s no way we could survive.

It’s important to have hope in life, and the old Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard says that one should never give up. He even argues that if you’ve lost hope, you’re not really alive.

You know love exists because you have experienced it.

Although you likely feel fortunate to know the experience of being loved, you’re aware that others don’t get that gift. This is the blissful sensation that lifts your spirits, and which makes all of the pain in the world worthwhile. Inescapable misery defines the human condition. No one can be with us as we enter this world, and none will remain with us as we leave it. The only good thing that may happen between two moments of pain is the love of another person.

Even if you believe that the feeling I’ve described doesn’t exist and that love is merely an illusion, you may want to think again about the value of your theory. I realise that I could be incorrect, but love is such a complicated emotion that we only understand it when we’ve felt it.

And lastly, being a pessimist, I can still love. Love is not limited to the optimistic; it belongs to the melancholic as well. Love is much more powerful than anything else.

Even for me, who is really cynical, I feel appreciation for love since I don’t take it for granted. I continually fear that my devotion to someone I love may fade and end with time. My love lives because of my fear.

The idea that love is transient doesn’t seem real to the cynic like me; I only believe in the concrete. Although we all know that nothing is permanent, that doesn’t mean that what is happening right now is meaningless. It would be an awful thing to say to someone you love, but saying “All beauty must perish” shows pessimism, which is something we never want to demonstrate. Denying our feelings of love is the cruellest thing the world could do to us.

Albert Camus once wrote that “There is no fate that cannot be surmounted by ignoring it.” This is the ultimate learning experience for someone who is pessimistic. We are not willing to give up our own joy, even when we know it may cause us to experience sorrow and suffering. We recognise that we may always have to face future grief, but we don’t want it to keep us from living in the now; our present moment might or might not contain love.

The future is hard to forecast, and we’ve learned our lesson with past failures. We only live for the present, and for the time being.

So, is love really something you can feel? I think it does, and that’s the truth. Maybe, our pessimism gives us more of a reason to value the moment.

Despite one’s distrust in love, one cannot deny that two people who are deeply in love exist.

Is love real or is it an illusion? It’s a reasonable question. It is also a fact that love is not scientifically quantifiable.

However, it is also important to consider that proof and existence are not necessarily linked. Some things exist even if there is no proof, such as God. Is it correct to claim that there is no such thing as love, if it is treated the same way?

I’m not.

In love people do crazy things. I’m talking about two people who are not at the point of mere infatuation. I’m discussing two folks who are deeply in love.

Is it significant that there is no science or any form of definitive proof supporting their love for each other? Is it appropriate to wonder if their love is true or not? Is love really only pretend, or does it actually exist?

It’s tough to tell if this love is real or not, but that’s just how it is. But what is it that we’re talking about when we talk about “real” anyway? As far as we know, everything in this universe could be real, but our senses don’t allow us to comprehend everything that exists. To say something is “unreal” is just stupid if we can’t sense it.

The moment we see something out of the ordinary, the human propensity is to want to immediately explain why we are incorrect in assuming something is weird. However, perhaps we should evaluate our thoughts and beliefs first, and determine what allows us to conclude that “normal” life is the best way to live.

While looking at what is going on around us, it is crucial that we do not become rigid in our thinking. The only other option is to give up on becoming truly special.

Let’s return to the two lovers we discussed earlier. What if I told you that what you’ve learned about them is completely inaccurate? They didn’t always have a long-term plan of working together. There was a point in his life when he was courting another woman. Before then, the woman had already been in a long-term relationship with someone else. There was an endless succession of ladies and gentlemen; every time the line moved on, there was a new person to follow.

And how would you like it if I told you that, in all likelihood, these two loves are already broken up, and there is no proof to back up their relationship? It’s possible they’re faking it only to please the masses. Or maybe they’ve already split up, but are still together for reasons identical to those keeping their friends together.

What if I were to tell you that even if the two loves are together, they will still grow old and die? Does their love turn into something shameful like this? Is their love any different now than it was twenty years ago?

We’ll never be able to discover the real answers to these issues. Only a person’s perspective can tell if these two people are in love, and that determination shifts on a daily basis.

Do their eternal love and happiness really matter, since neither will last? Perhaps they will remain together till everything is finished. They might also be willing to take the risk. Shouldn’t we be happy for love, despite the reality that all good things inevitably come to an end? There is no certainty that any of us will have another day.

Our final resolution is that our lovers have a choice between remaining committed to each other for all time — or breaking up in the long run. But is it even relevant? Love is what matters most.

It is difficult to argue in favour of pessimism. It has started to lose some traction in academic circles because of this. While it is true that pessimism has its merits, we can all agree that pessimism is best avoided. The beautiful things in life that we may take for granted suddenly take on greater significance.

To say pessimism is neither good nor harmful is true, but in a different way. Your point of view on things is simply what is at play here. Even if life is unpredictable, we cannot be cruel to others who don’t share our ideas and beliefs. It’s exemplified by the phenomenon of love.

To discover significance and contentment in our life is the essence of being human. We’re all meaning-seekers, in the end. Though the reality is that life is largely filled with wasted time — lengthy stretches of nothing in between.

Even a few instances of boredom might diminish our appreciation for our relationships and our purpose in life. Although we do it instinctively, we keep trying to be happy because that’s what we really want. It is our differences that define us.

In the end, perhaps the best thing for us is to live life without an overarching goal; not because it is convenient for us, but because it increases the satisfaction of getting what we want when we achieve it.

Love, as an emotion, has its own worth, even if it serves no purpose in the grand scheme of things. It can’t get better than something so gorgeous! In a way unlike any other, being in love is like to having your life become a singularity. It is impossible to have that kind of experience without having the capacity for reason.

Or, in the words of Scottish poet Robbie Burns: “Folks who have no fun are condemned anyway, Enjoy your fill of worldly shows. They’re nothing but a shadow of illusions.”



Fayyadh Jaafar
Fayyadh Jaafar

Written by Fayyadh Jaafar

Former business journalist. I write other things here too, you know.

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